Crafts - Peg Posse

The Peg Posse was something Heather started fiddling around with when she bought some wooden peg people at the craft store one day. She painted Tobias Fünke from Arrested Development and fell in love with making little tiny versions of her favorite characters from things. Below are some examples of some of the pegs she has painted that are in new homes (commissions, gifts, etc.). If you'd like to commission a peg of you, a friend, a family member, a favorite character -- anyone! -- shoot Heather an email here!
Crafts - Grobits

Nate realized how much he enjoyed working with clay when the photo for the 2nd Centuria Challenge game was being put together. As you can tell by the site, we’ve always been a fan of robots so Nate began building his own tiny clay robots that just happened to be in tiny clay pots. They were called Grobots but when they ended up expanding into little different types of things in pots (not just regular robots but other types of bots!) and became Grobits instead. They're little bits of cute in pots. Below are a few examples of these colorful little dudes.
Crafts - Bead Bros

In Christmas of 2013, Heather made a set of Breaking Bad coasters for her sister out of Perler Beads. She enjoyed it more than she thought she would and bought a few more colors of beads (the only ones in the coasters were white, black, tan and green!) and started making other little things with them. Below are some of the many things she has made with them!
Photography - General & Cons/Costumes

Neither of us are BY FAR amazing or anywhere near amazing photographers, haha. XD We just like taking pictures! Whether it’s on one of our random walks around a park or of friends of ours in costume (like Aphy to the left in her Splicer costume!), we like snapping shutter buttons. In this section you’ll find our photos! Below you'll find some of Heather's photos she has taken here and there!